Health Care Resources:
Recent advances in research are showing more about how and why many ‘alternative’ care systems work. Our daily activities, like exercise, diet, relaxation, rest and mindfulness, can create epi-genetic changes that allow us to best manage our genetic inheritance, meeting our very individual needs for healthy diet, exercise and stress management. This Resource page is designed to help you find more information to help you build and maintain optimal wellness.
Health Care Resources: Medical Information
College of Massage Therapists of BC (CMTBC) is the regulatory body for registered massage therapists in the province of British Columbia. It sets standards of professional practice for registered massage therapists and helps RMT’s deliver the safe, ethical and effective medical care that we do.
Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC (RMTBC) is the professional body for the RMT’s of British Columbia. This website offers more information on conditions we treat and how RMT’s provide safe, effective healthcare and anything else you might want to know about our profession.
The Arthritis Society of Canada offers lots of information on the various types of arthritis and their treatments. The label of ‘arthritis’ now covers many diseases of different origin, so its a great learning resource.
MSPBC Medical Services Plan of BC provides information on BCMSP Premium Assistance for those with qualifying incomes. For MSP beneficiaries receiving Premium Assistance, MSP contributes $23 per visit for a combined annual limit of 10 visits each calendar year for the following services: acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathy, physical therapy and non-surgical podiatry.
Ergonomics Information Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety works to advance health and safety in the workplace. See links for “Ergonomics” then “Office Ergonomics” or whatever information category applies to you.
Pain BC aims to transform the way pain is understood and treated in our province, provides education and promotes prevention and early intervention in chronic pain and pain-related disability.
Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability (CIRPD) is a registered charitable organization dedicated to the prevention and reduction of pain, pain-related suffering, and disability.
Whiplash Prevention The Whiplash Prevention Initiative works to raise awareness of how properly adjusted head restraints can reduce the chance of whiplash associated injuries.
CranioSacral/Osteopathic Techniques Upledger Institute International (UI) offers information on CranioSacral Therapy and Osteopathy.
Midwives Association of British Columbia Midwives Association of British Columbia (MABC) educates the public about midwifery care while supporting the growing number of midwives across British Columbia, Canada.
BC Doulas Doula Services Association is a non-profit association promoting birth and postpartum doula support for families in British Columbia.
Health Care Resources: Self Care Systems and Supports
Breathing and Breathwork
Anatomy of Breathing. 2006. Calais-Germain, Blandine. Eastland Press. Seattle.
James Nestor. Breath. the New science of a lost art. Riverhead books. new York. 2021.
ISBN 9780593191354
Breathing . 1999. Weil, Andrew, MD. sound recording . Classic Yogic breathing techniques.
Healthy Breathing. 1996. Cohen, Ken. sound recording. Classic Taoist breathing techniques.
Spontaneous Healing. 1995. Weil, Andrew, MD. Knopf. New York. breathing p.197-205
Mind – Body Wellness
Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. Resources for a compassionate mindfulness practice.
Creating a Home Retreat with Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, and Tara Brach.
The Daily Relaxer. [Book]. 1997. McKay, Matthew PhD. and Patrick Fanning. New Harbinger. Oakland, Ca. ISBN 1-57224-069-5
It’s Ok to be be Good and Not Great. Essay on the value of consistency and personal success. Brad Stuhlberg. Outside. Accessed 24.01.12.
Self Esteem. [Book]. 2000. McKay, Matthew PhD. and Patrick Fanning. New Harbinger. Oakland, Ca. ISBN 157224198-5. Classic, important book.
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You. [Book] 1996. Aron, Elaine. ISBN 0-553-06218-2 (see also Classic important information for both sensitives and non-sensitives.
The Body Keeps the Score. Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma. By Bessel Van Der Kolk. Viking. New York. 2014. Frequently recommended book that explains the latest theories on the inter-relationships between stress, the brain and the body.
Pain Science: A respected pain researcher, Lorimer Mosely discusses pain in an interview.
Sharon Salzberg: a popular, approachable and ‘down to earth’ instructor in meditation, author of several books and listening works. Worth checking out if you are interested in learning more about or deepening a meditation practice.
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness. An essential aspect to mindfulness work – trauma may cause unexpected responses to mindfulness work that we need to be aware of.
The Way of Qi Gong. The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing. 1997. Cohen, Kenneth. Ballantine. New York. ISBN 0-345-42109-4. An essential classic introduction to the topic.
Ken Cohen. Qi Gong Grandmaster and health educator, author of many excellent books and sound works. Now with online classes.
Sleep On It. A coalition of organizations promoting the importance of sleep to maintain good health providing multiple resources.
US National Institute of Health. Information on sleep.
The Sleep Solution: Why your sleep is broken and how to fix it. 2017. W. Chris Winter, MD. New American Library. New York. Dr Winter can also be found on youtube.
Stretch, Strength & Conditioning – books
Anatomy of Movement. 1993. Calais-Germain, Blandine. Eastland Press. Seattle.
Bike For Life – How to Ride to 100. Wallack, Roy and Bill Katovsky. 2005. Marlowe and Company. New York. ISBN 1-56924-451-0
Conditioning for Outdoor Fitness. 1999. Musnick, David and Mark Pierce. The Mountaineers. Seattle. ISBN 0-89886-450-X
Knee Pain – The Self-Help Guide. 2000. Garret, John MD and Bob Reznik. New Harbinger. Oakland, Ca. ISBN 1-57224-194-2.
Older, Faster, Stronger – What Women Runners Can Teach Us All About Living Younger, Longer. Margaret Webb. 2014. Rodale. Anyone training for any field, wanting to live their fullest or just curious, can enjoy and gain from this book.
Strength Basics. Your Guide to Resistance Training for Health and Optimal Performance. 1996. Cook, Brian and Gordon Stewart. Human Kinetics.
Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit: A Return to Wholeness. 2000. Farhi, Donna. Henry Holt and Co. ISBN 0-8050-5970-9.
Moving Toward Balance. 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee. 2004. Yee, Rodney and Nina Zolotow. Rodale. ISBN 0-87596-921-6.
Yoga for Wimps – Poses for the Flexibly Impaired. 2000. Austen, Miriam. Sterling. New York. ISBN 0-8069-4339-4.
Tai Chi & Qi Gong
The Way of Qi Gong. The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing. 1997. Cohen, Kenneth. Ballantine. New York. ISBN 0-345-42109-4. Book – An essential classic introduction to the topic.
Ken Cohen. Qi Gong Grandmaster and health educator, author of many excellent books, sound works (eg guided breathwork) and online courses.
Grandmaster Shou-yu Liang Wushu, T’ai Chi and Qi Gong Institute – Vancouver school – now offers online classes.